“Turn Debt into Hope”—2025 Jubilee Year Campaign
Every 25 years, the Jubilee tradition reminds us all to serve those in need and to build bridges of hope in our communities and across the world. In the spirit …
Every 25 years, the Jubilee tradition reminds us all to serve those in need and to build bridges of hope in our communities and across the world. In the spirit …
Almost half of Cyprus’ population falls into lower income brackets according to the Statistical Service (CYSTAT) report, “Living Standards Indicators, November 2024” which presents comparative data between Cyprus and the …
Around the world, Caritas organizations are involved in learning programs for children, and engaged in educational corridors and scholarships as well as distance learning projects for migrant and refugee students. …
Officially registered in 1986, Caritas Cyprus has been responding to the needs of vulnerable people on the divided island since 1974. It shares the mission of serving the poor, dispossessed …
Athletes and spectators from all over the world will enjoy the opening ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games on July 26, 2024. Together, people everywhere will celebrate …
On April 10, after lengthy negotiations to reform the European rules on asylum, the European Parliament plenary voted on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. The outcome raises concerns …
Young people have unique perspectives with the potential to enrich our work and inform the strategic approaches we take to serving our beneficiary population. Interns, fellows and volunteers contribute energy, …
Even before the current catastrophe, the Gaza Strip’s healthcare infrastructure was inadequate to meet the needs of its population. Crippled by a 16-year blockade, the provision of healthcare was complicated …
Echoing the themes of this year’s International Migrants Day, Caritas Europa calls on European leaders to invest in human-rights based migration policies instead of pursuing the illusion that blocking human …
Local humanitarian actors could deliver aid 32% more cost-efficiently than international organizations yet only 1.2% of international humanitarian aid goes to local NGOs. To shine the light on locally led …