On September 26, Caritas Cyprus participated in the Potavristou initiative organized by the AKTI Project and Research Centre. Organized in September each year since 2019, Potavristou is a simple citizens science action meant to clean up neighorhoods, raise awareness and collect important data. Through it, citizens become part of scientific process, generating results that inform reports and shape policies.
For the Caritas team, it was great to contribute to both the clean-up effort and AKTI’s research into trash and litter, things that affect daily life in our neighbourhood and on our streets.
Around the Paphos Gate area within the walled city of Nicosia, the Caritas Cyprus team of 8 reported its results that included bags full of glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminium cans, (too many to count) cigarette butts, paper and paper wrapping, take-out food containers, miscellaneous metal items and scrap and medicine packaging.