While different in perspective and mission, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) and Caritas Cyprus are united in their commitment to fight human trafficking and remedy its devastating impact on lives across the globe. Using the award-winning anti-money laundering training film—All Too Familiar—as a starting point, Ms. Christiana Diola, ICAEW’s Europe Director, joined Caritas Cyprus on August 1, 2023, two days after July 30 World Day against Trafficking in Persons—for a lively discussion of how fighting economic crimes can save lives. The film was produced by ICAEW in collaboration with HM Revenue and Customs authority in the UK to challenge mindsets on the need for greater professional skepticism when faced with potential money laundering risks. The group discussed several of the themes raised in the film and reflected on how blind trust can sometimes lead to tragic outcomes. Potential victims often put their trust in promises of a safer and better life while financial-sector professionals may trust in relationships that could be abetting economic crime.