Almost half of Cyprus’ population falls into lower income brackets according to the Statistical Service (CYSTAT) report, “Living Standards Indicators, November 2024” which presents comparative data between Cyprus and the EU-27 on various indicators related to living conditions. While significant, these figures understate the mounting inequalities between individuals and families, between generations and genders, and between people from different ethnic backgrounds—in Cyprus and across Europe. They reflect many shortcomings and contradictions in the EU’s current economic system. In its recent publication, “Going beyond Growth—Europe’s Role in Building A Just Economy for the Common Good”, Caritas Europa challenges many EU policies and initiatives that perpetuate injustice and environmental degradation. “Going beyond Growth” presents Caritas Europa’s vision for a just economy – an economy that improves the wellbeing of all people in various dimensions (social, ecological, political, economic, cultural and spiritual) based on values of solidarity, simplicity and sufficiency. Read more in the summary and consider its recommendations covering social, environmental, economic, and international cooperation issues in the full report.