Executive Manager
Elizabeth joined Caritas Cyprus as its second Executive Manager in 2018. With degrees in government and international law and diplomacy, Elizabeth served as a humanitarian affairs officer at the UN and a senior program advisor at the US Agency for International Development before joining Caritas Cyprus. She’s passionate about issues of migration and integration and believes in the power of partnerships. Elizabeth oversees all Caritas Cyprus activities, leads its strategic advocacy efforts, and manages its staff and volunteers.

Operations Director
Kim joined Caritas Cyprus with years of experience in government, consulting, and NGO management. She served as a senior program advisor at the US Agency for International Development before formally joining Caritas Cyprus in 2019. With degrees in engineering and a fascination with tech, Kim loves tackling complex problems and finding ways to utilize technology in creative (and smart) ways. She leads the planning and management of operations, programs, communications, HR and finance.

Case Work Advisor
Gosia has been with Caritas Cyprus since 2012 and was a pioneer in assisting the migrant workers and victims of trafficking who were struggling on the margins of society. While Caritas Cyprus shares Gosia with the Cyprus Refugee Council (in an arrangement supported by UNHCR), Gosia is at the heart of our team. Prior to joining Caritas Cyprus, Gosia studied English and worked in a variety of corporate fields and at the Polish Embassy. She speaks four languages and managed our men’s shelter and the Caritas (Migrant) Center before focusing on case management. She has extensive experience with cases of refugees, EU nationals, migrant workers, including victims of violence and victims of human trafficking. “I’m a problem solver by nature and tackle issues with passion. My job is a calling from God whose love I find intoxicating. I want to share it with all”.

Operations Officer
With a background in real estate and land valuation, George joined Caritas Cyprus in 2020 when he chose a professional direction that better fits his personal values. George manages the Head Office and is responsible for day-to-day operations including bookkeeping, procurement and human resources. He is also a part of the project management and communications teams. George enjoys working in teams and supporting his peers in reaching their full potential. “I believe that together we can overcome challenges and build a better future.”

Case Work Coordinator
Marco holds a bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Mediation and a double master’s degree in Cooperation and Development and Inter-Mediterranean Migration. He specialized in the study of Arabic and the history, social movements and culture of the Middle Eastern and North Africa region. He is fluent in four languages and has ten years of work and travel experience throughout Europe. Since joining Caritas Cyprus in 2022, “I’ve put into practice what I learnt during my studies and help the most disadvantaged. Working in a small NGO gives me the opportunity to develop different skills and have a wide variety of tasks to accomplish”.

Cultural Mediator – Hospitals
With an educational background in marketing and international business and fluency in four languages, Anita worked in a variety of organizations in the United States, France and Cyprus including with the United Nations Volunteers. Drawn to assisting those in need, Anita joined Caritas Cyprus in 2000 as a Cultural Mediator, based in hospitals and specializing in the care of at-risk women. “My first year was an eye opener, as realized that my role was to empower women to overcome adversity, and to help them overcome the language, administrative and cultural barriers they face as they begin their lives in Cyprus. I enjoy being the intermediary between them and specialized doctors and departments so they can take care of their children”.

Cultural Mediator – Uplift Humanitarian Aid
Christiane joined Caritas Cyprus in 2021, after a rich career in fields as diverse as education and retail management. Like many at Caritas Cyprus, Christiane wanted to play a positive role in the lives of the people around her. As a migrant to Cyprus herself—coming to Cyprus 20 years ago from France—she was particularly qualified to provide cultural mediation. Since then, she has been providing translation and interpretation to ensure that language doesn’t hinder access to essential services for those in need. She also puts her retail management experience to good use, managing the STOA humanitarian assistance point.

Cultural Mediator – Caritas Center
Prior to joining Caritas Cyprus in 2024, Ahmed worked as an English teacher, translator, refugee support administrator and customer service professional. He brings a unique perspective to the team as a refugee who has successfully navigated the bureaucracy and overcome the cultural barriers that asylum seekers face. “The frustration I experienced was significant, but it also became a source of motivation to draw from on daily basis while assisting others in the Caritas Center. I understand how crucial it is to provide clear, accessible information and support. By helping to make the bureaucracy less intimidating, I hope to ease the transition for those who come after me. My mission is to ensure that no one has to navigate these challenges alone and that everyone has the opportunity to build a new life with dignity and support”.